Who would have thought that as soon as the first day of competition in Doha ended, only Zheng Qinwen would be left among the Chinese players.
In this year's Doha Tennis Tournament, a total of three Chinese players entered the main event. Seventh seed Zheng Qinwen suffered a "draw oolong", the original opponent in this round was the winner between Svitolina and Kostyuk, but after the redraw, he fell into the 3/4 zone at the same time as Paulini, and faced the winner between Kessler and Jabbar in the second round. The other two Chinese golden flowers who directly entered the main draw are Wang Xinyu and Yuan Yue, the former will face the "Zheng Qinwen Killer" - Avaniexiang in the first round, and the latter will face the French star Garcia.
For the player Avanexiang, in fact, domestic fans should be no stranger! At last year's French Open, Avanie defeated Zheng Qinwen in a three-set battle after the rain, making her famous! However, the controversial penalty in this game also made this game still a "difficult to equalize" in the hearts of many Qinwen fans. Previously, Avanexiang and Wang Xinyu played three times, and the former lost all of them, but these three encounters also happened in 2023, and the reference value is limited.
After the start of the match, the two began a "break battle", with Wang Xinyu breaking her opponent's serve three times in the third, fifth and ninth games, but was quickly broken by her opponent. In the eleventh game, Wang Xinyu held the break point, but the volley was outrageously out of bounds and missed the break opportunity, which also became the turning point of the whole game, because if this point is won, there should be a chance to win the game in straight sets. In the subsequent tie-break, Avane believed that his heart and momentum returned, and he won 7-3 smoothly, leading Wang Xinyu 1-0.
In the second set, Wang Xinyu was full of firepower on the bottom line, easily winning 6-1, with a big score of 1-1. At the beginning of the deciding set, Wang Xinyu continued the momentum of the second set, breaking in a row to take a 2-0 lead at the beginning, but then Avanexiang changed his tactics and used sharp topspin to pull around, winning three games in a row to overtake 3-2. In the seventh game, Wang Xinyu, who withstood the pressure, broke serve again and took a 5-3 lead after holding serve. But at the critical moment, Wang Xinyu made consecutive mistakes in the baseline attack, and Avane took the opportunity to overtake the score 6-5 in three consecutive games. In the twelfth game, Wang Xinyu won the service game with no way out, and the score was 6-6. In the tie-break battle, Wang Xinyu finally lost 5-7 with a 2-0 and 5-4 lead, and lost to the opponent with a big score of 1-2, missing the top 32 of the women's singles.
Since then, since last year's Australian Open, Avaniexiang has defeated Bai Zhuoxuan, Zhu Lin, Zheng Qinwen, Wang Xiyu, and Wang Xinyu in a row, achieving five consecutive victories against Chinese players, and the record of playing with Chinese players has also come to 6 wins and 3 losses, becoming a veritable "Chinese player nemesis".
In this regard, a fan said, "Although Avanexiang is a player with average strength, he is very brainy in playing, and he has a very strong tactical execution of the coach, and he is a very smart player." Wang You was able to win this opponent three times, but now he has lost to the opponent in three sets, which can explain something, that is: people are constantly improving, and Wang You is standing still or even regressing. Wang You should get out of the current comfort zone and demand a little more from himself, otherwise he will become more and more mediocre! Some fans also said, "Steady! It's really stable! Avaniexiang not only hits the ball steadily, controls mistakes well, but also has a very stable mentality, and Chinese players are generally psychologically fragile and very prone to gains and losses, which is a big problem. ”
Let's pay attention to the Chinese golden flower Yuan Yue. 上周的阿布扎比赛,袁悦在女单首轮竟然惨败给世界排名仅837位的日本17岁的新人,这也让她陷入到了舆论风波之中,这场比赛的失利,也让袁悦现世界排名滑落至第55位。 而她本轮的对手——加西亚尽管本赛季的状态也非常一般,一胜难求,并且目前的世界排名仅为世界第76位,但过往的名气和实力仍然比袁悦高出不少,这也让很多球迷为她捏了一把汗。
首盘比赛,袁悦完全不在状态,仅仅抵抗了32分钟,就很快以1-6败下阵来。 次盘再战,袁悦调整了自己底线击球的稳定性,加强了自己的发球状态,不过仍然陷入3-5的落后局面。 不过,关键时刻,顽强的袁悦将比分追成6-6平,但在抢七中,却以5-7丢掉第二盘,从而以0-2止步本届多哈赛的首轮,自此,袁悦也遭遇单打五连败。
According to the schedule, Zheng Qinwen's debut in the Doha 1000 is expected to take place on Tuesday, so can she resist the banner of Chinese players and go further and further? Let's wait and see.(Source: Tennis Home Author: Lu Xiaotian)