On March 28, Beijing time, James's remarks about the media in the show caused heated discussions. He criticized the current media coverage for skewing away from the essence of the basketball game, focusing too much on the dramatic events of the game rather than the true essence of the game itself. He also named A. Smith and Venhorst on the show. On today's ESPN show, Perkins, A. Smith and Weinhorst hit back at James' remarks.
Weinhorst was the first to speak: "I think sometimes there is a real imbalance in the media coverage. I encourage NBA players to hold the media accountable for reporting wherever possible, provided they are also willing to accept media scrutiny. I think one of the big challenges we face in modern basketball is how to find that balance. We don't want to see 125 three-point shots in a game, but we also don't want to ban three-pointers altogether. We need to find a balance. ”
"When people talk about the game of basketball, they want to talk about the drama of the game as well as the tactical strategy. But I'm telling you, if a show is all about tactics and strategy, it won't be very appealing. I mean, there will be basketball coaches who will want to watch a show like this, but if James and Nash sit down and talk about tactics for an hour, the audience won't like it. So I would say that we need to do a better job of balancing the story. But people do like drama, they like to watch teams compete with each other, and they like to analyze issues like why Doncic struggles to defend Haliburton in singles, as they did last night. I feel like there's room for all of this, and all parties should be monitoring each other, but it's not good for anyone to blame each other. ”
Perkins said: "James has to stop in moderation, and I'm fed up with him always saying how bad the way the league is reporting, because he wants to be reported the way he wants to. Look, this goes back to the old question about him. I've been a big fan of James since 1998. What I complained about him was that, first, what James said was not all true; Second, we are all 2025 now, the times are different, and he has to make adjustments himself. But the problem is, it seems to me that the way the NBA is reported hasn't changed since I got into the NBA, or since I grew up watching the NBA as a kid. Hasn't Magic Johnson been criticized? Hasn't Kobe Bryant been criticized? Hasn't Michael Jordan been criticized? Aaron Iverson has likewise been criticized. So in today's game, these players are too sensitive, too sensitive to be reasonable. ”
"I remember what my brother Garnett said to me in the 2008-09 season. He said, 'Just like you run home after a good game and open ESPN to read the report, you have to keep the same mindset when you're not playing well and use that criticism as motivation to go out there and prove people wrong.'" That's what you have to understand when you go into the draft, you have to accept the good name and you have to accept the bad name, and that's what the pros have to deal with. And these criticisms are justified. If you play well, we will praise you; If you play badly, then we have to criticize you, and that's the way it is. ”
A. Smith said: "Perkins has publicly stated that he thinks James is the greatest player of all time. Then, he said a bad thing about James, and James shut down Perkins. Perkins then interjected: "After he shut me down, I blocked him on my phone." ”
A-Smith continued: "He's taken you down – a guy who keeps praising him as the greatest player of all time. Wenhorst has been covering the news about James, and since James was still in junior high school, he has covered the game the way James intended. But what did James say about Winhorst on TV yesterday? He said that people were "eccentric" and slandered people. This guy (LeBron) says he doesn't like the drama in the report, but he has a production company of his own and tries to create drama. When he decided to leave the Cavaliers, he had created a dramatic incident of his own. Remember the scene where he took off his jersey when he left? Because he knew it would make headlines, as if to say that this was James' decision. When he sat down with Jim Gray for an interview, wasn't that a well-planned show? Am I missing something? When Bronny debuted as a Lakers player in the new season, wasn't that hyped up? The point is, he wants everything. He's such a person. ”
In other words, as I said before, if we praise him as a great father, a great husband, a great philanthropist, a great director, a great producer – I mean a great businessman, a great husband, in short, everything is praised. But he hears only the criticisms he doesn't want to hear, because he's sensitive to them. And yet the kind things we say about him, at least 95% of the time, mean nothing to him, because we mean nothing to him either. As a result, he has his own platform. ”