The differences in the performance of different ethnic groups in sports need to be analysed in a scientific and rational manner. In the sport of baseball, we can observe the following objective facts:
In baseball, pitchers need flexibility and explosiveness in the shoulder joints, while fielders need the ability to sprint quickly. Some studies suggest that the proportion of fast-twitch fibers may be slightly higher (about 67-80%) in people of West African descent, which may be beneficial for explosive programs.
But genetic diversity is much greater than ethnic differences, and individual differences are the key. Japan's Shohei Ohtani, for example, has the ability to shoot and demonstrate the complexity of athletic talent.
The percentage of African-American players in Major League Baseball (MLB) is about 6-8% (2023 data), which is much lower than that of Latino players (about 30%)
Historical greats such as Hank Allen (755 home runs) and Jackie Robinson (breaking apartheid) have certainly shown exceptional talent, but contemporary stars such as Mike Trout (white) and Shohei Ohtani (Asian) are equally outstanding
African-American communities are more inclined towards basketball/football, while Latin American countries place more emphasis on baseball talent development systems
Baseball training costs are high (equipment, venues) and can affect the participation of different groups
Japan's school league system has produced world-class players such as Ichiro Suzuki, which illustrates the importance of a training system
According to a 2017 study in the journal Nature, ethnic differences in athletic performance are largely due to cultural selection rather than genetic determination
Research from the University of Oxford has shown that the genetic mix of elite athletes is highly individually unique
Therefore, it is unscientific to explain athletic achievement in terms of "black people are highly athleticly talented." The top players of modern baseball come from different ethnic groups, and their success depends more on scientific training, nutrition management and professional training systems. Any group has the potential to achieve success in a particular sport, which is essentially the result of individual traits and social circumstances.